The Breakout Game

Shaun Earl Photo
Shaun Earl

I really like this game for helping teach your breakout while applying pressure. Another great benefit of this drill is giving one team an unfair advantage, helping build resilience in your players by making them fight through some adversity. I legit made a U15 player cry, because he was upset that the game was 5-3 and said it wasn't fair. Try it out, keep score, and I bet you'll increase your compete in practice!


  • Place one net on the goal line and the other net at the far blue line.
  • One the whistle, the coach dumps the puck into the zone. 
  • 5 players on the defensive team rush to retrieve the puck and practices their breakout concepts, while 3 forchecking players work on forechecking concepts and work to disrupt the breakout.
  • Goals scored by the forechecking team are worth 2 points and goals scored by the team breaking out are worth 1 point.


  • Breakout Team - defense support your partner. Center come back low and slow to be an outlet. Wingers get back.
  • Forechecking Team - keep sticks on the ice to block passing lanes and angle players to the boards.


  • Can be 5v1, 5v2, 5v3, 5v4. The more forecheckers, the harder it is for the team breaking out. If your team is struggling with breakouts, start with a low amount of forecheckers and work your way up to more.
  • Can place second goal at center ice instead of far blue.
  • Coaches can have players work on a variety of breakout & forechecking concepts

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